6 Most Common Resident Holders Complaints ?
6 Most Common Resident Holders
Complaints and How to Handle Them
Working with societies and apartments to solve there problem and bring efficiency through mobile app we found that no matter how well you maintain your properties, some problems are still bound to crop up. And more often than not, it is the responsibility of the estate manager or property manager or administrations in the society to resolve the situation at the earliest.
Here are some of the
most common complaints that resident holders usually have and the best ways to
handle them.
1. Maintenance problems
Maintenance problem being the most common problem of most resident holders, the first step to handling such complaints quickly and smoothly should be the setting up of an effective complaint resolution system.
Raise the maintenance problem by visiting directly to the maintenance office and registering it and again monitoring the complaint by calling and directly visit the office . For example, many society or facility management companies now ask their residents to raise an online maintenance request in order to simplify the process and allow easy tracking.
Whatever the chosen mode of notification, make sure to respond to all requests promptly, ideally providing a time frame when they can expect the issue to be fixed.
But due having online
society management software it become very easy for the resident holders to
raise complain through mobile app by capturing complain in real time and send
it to the admin and then admin or supervisor can allocate the concerned complaint
to a particular employee and track every process on the mobile app itself.
2. Miscommunication
Delayed, Ignore, procrastinate
can lack of communication with frustration. No one likes to deal with a administration,
estate manager , property manager or landlord who is always unavailable, does
not answer his phone calls, or never replies to any email.
Good tenants are hard to find. If you don’t respond to their issues in a timely and effective manner, you’ll lose them to another landlord who values and respects them.
But due having mobile
phone with society management app now it very easy and comfortable to bring
effective and efficient communication within the society through messages, chats
and notifications.
3. Noise
Another common, having a noisy neighbors. Yes, from loud parties to pets that bark continuously at night – you’ve heard it all. But many a time, the cause of the problem is out of the purview of a landlord or a property manager—yet the tenant still expects you to do something.
It is easier to find a
solution if causing the problem. As a first step, try speaking to him/her
directly to understand the issue. You can also ask other if they have
been disturbed by loud noises from the property. If the problem is determined
to be genuine, inform resident holders that a complaint has come in against
them and try to work out a solution that everyone is comfortable with.
Don’t forget to inform the who raised the complaint that you are taking
active steps to resolve the issue.
4. Unwanted visitors
Another important one is the unwanted visitors at my residence door or in the society. It became very irritating if bell rings from an unwanted visitors whom I don't KNOW. This may be sales person or someone doing surveys or asking for some monetary help. This lead to the security issue for the children or person staying .
many resident holders have install cctv cameras outside their flat. BUT
now technology has solved is problem to a very large extent giving
complete right to the resident holders to allow and reject the
visitors from the main security gate itself. Now, its our
responsibility to make our society secure and clean ,which is only
possible by taking responsibility on your shoulders.
Pest attack
Nobody needs
their home attacked by bugs, cockroaches or rodents. What's more, on the off
chance that it is a condo or an issue, the issue can immediately spread and
Make brief
move and call an exterminator quickly if your occupant reports bother issues.
Remember to plan a subsequent arrangement following a week or so to guarantee
the issue is totally settled. To keep such issues from happening in any case,
make preventive move and have your properties treated occasionally.
Parking Issues
Occupants parking
in the guest sounds, inhabitants parking in an inappropriate inlets and guests
who outstay their greeting by utilizing a parking spot as their own private
space are on the whole expected reasons for dispute.
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